- Sassi by night
The understanding of a place and of a people goes through the understanding of their food too.
Live a memorable and mind-opening experience in Matera while visiting this unique town and make the best of your stay by taking part to a fun and relaxing activity steeped in culture and customs, in a real-family environment.
Mary will welcome you in her private kitchen where you’ll have the opportunity to learn the secrets of the authentic Italian cuisine and its genuine ingredients and have fun with your friends while making healthy, simple and tasty recipes that you can easily reproduce back home.
Get to know the Italian and local culture through its food and wine: when everything is cooked, you’ll sit around my kitchen table and enjoy your meal paired with a good wine.
At the end of the day you’ll receive your Italian cooking Diploma and a gift to remember this special experience.
Once you’re back home you will also be able to recreate a small piece of your holiday.
Come to my beautiful home
and live an exceptional cooking experience!
Discover the 7 different menus
we suggest for your cooking lesson!
A selection of simple and tasty
recipes that you can easily reproduce!